Seeking Feedback for Martin Turnaround Plan

Opportunities for Stakeholder Input & Feedback

Martin Middle School Turnaround Plan 2016-17

Parents, community members, teachers, and CAC members have the opportunity to provide input and feedback on the campus Turnaround Plan, including sharing concerns and possible solutions for improvement. 

2015 Campus Rating: Improvement Required

Years Rated Improvement Required: Three consecutive years (2013, 2014, & 2015)

Requirements: Develop a Turnaround Plan for implementation in school-year 2016-17 (the plan is only required to be implemented in 2016-17 if the campus is rated Improvement Required in 2016)

Three Input/Feedback Opportunities:

1. Written Form: Written Stakeholder Input/Feedback

2. Stakeholder Meeting: Input Prior to Development of the Turnaround Plan

  • Date: 2/16/16
  • Time: 6:00 – 7:00 pm
  • Location: Martin Middle School Library, 1601 Haskell St., Austin, TX 78702
  • Input will be collected during the meeting

3. Stakeholder Meeting: Feedback on the Developed Turnaround Plan

  • Date: 4/25/16
  • Time: 5:30 – 6:30 pm
  • Location: Martin Middle School Library, 1601 Haskell St., Austin, TX 78702
  • Feedback will be collected during the meeting

Please direct questions regarding the Turnaround Plan to the campus principal.