Eagle News
Saturday School (4/23 & 4/30)
Eagles! Join us for Saturday School on April 23rd (Science & Math) and April 30th (Reading & Social Studies) from 9:30-11:30 am. Questions? Email sarai.castillo@austinisd.org
Family Climate Survey Opens 3/21
Dear Families, Our district values your feedback! We are currently surveying Austin ISD families in order to gain insight into your perception of our school and district effectiveness.
Regular February CAC Meeting- 2/15 @ 5:15pm
Please join us for our Regular February CAC Meeting. We will be meeting at our new time 5:15pm on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. We will be discussing required agenda items regarding next year's budget. We will continue to meet virtually.
Meetings regarding 6th grade programming beginning the '22-'23 school year
Hello Eagle Family, I hope you are safe and warm! I just want to remind you of our meetings coming up next week to engage and connect as an Eagle Family!
6th Grade Changes for 2022-2023 School Year
Hello Sam L. Martin Eagle Family, We are excited to connect with you regarding the details of the plan for 6th grade beginning next school year 2022-2023. We will share details with you during our meeting. Please also see letter attached.
Important meetings regarding programming at Sam L. Martin next year
Please join us for one of these important meetings regarding programming at Martin MS next year. Parent Meeting Date: Tuesday, February 2 Time: 5:00-6:00pm
January CAC Meeting
Please join us for our January CAC Meeting at 5:00 on January 11. The zoom link can be found in the attached agenda.
January 5th Return
Dear Eagle Family, Our classrooms will open as scheduled Jan. 5. We know what to do to fight Omicron. Our protocols helped us get through last year when there were hardly any vaccines, they helped us during the Delta variant, and they’ll help us now.
Holiday Spirit Week 12/13-12/17
Please join us in celebrating this Holiday Spirit Week sponsored by our Lead Eagles Student Organization!
December CAC Meeting
Please join us for our December CAC Meeting on Tuesday, December 7 at 5:00 pm. Click here to access the agenda & zoom link for the meeting.
September CAC Meeting
Please join us for our September CAC Meeting on Tuesday, September 14 at 5:00 pm.